Zeroth-order randomized subspace Newton methods


Zeroth-order methods have become important tools for solving problems where we have access only to function evaluations. However, the zeroth-order methods only using gradient approximations are n times slower than classical first-order methods for solving n-dimensional problems. To accelerate the convergence rate, this paper proposes the zeroth order randomized subspace Newton (ZO-RSN) method, which estimates projections of the gradient and Hessian by random sketching and finite differences. This allows us to compute the Newton step in a lower dimensional subspace, with small computational costs. We prove that ZO-RSN can attain lower iteration complexity than existing zeroth order methods for strongly convex problems. Our numerical experiments show that ZO-RSN can perform black-box attacks under a more restrictive limit on the number of function queries than the state-of-the-art Hessian-aware zeroth-order method.

ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)